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Joomla on Your Web Host — Review Joomla

Joomla on Your Web Host — Review Joomla

 What Is Joomla?

Thanks to the emergence of e-commerce, and the need for online presence by large organizations, there exists a growing number of websites, and content management solutions (CMS). Some of which include Wix, and WordPress to mention but a few.

Joomla represents the top of the crop in a tightly contested industry. It is an effective tool in the creation of websites and has an extensive itinerary of additional components designed to achieve customer design goals.

Regardless of customer needs, Joomla meets expectations. From newsletters, blog spots, forums, and even virtual stores, it has something for everyone.

Joomla is an industry favorite largely due to its ease of use. With this platform, you can tweak your website with little to no knowledge of the technicalities surrounding esoteric topics like coding. In the simplest of terms, an in-depth understanding of Microsoft Word is requisite enough for a potential user to tweak their websites, and achieve their exact needs.

Yet another reason why Joomla is an industry favorite lies in its open-source library. This basically means that it can be used free of charge, alongside over at least 95% of its components (Add-ons).

 Joomla vs WordPress

In recent times, Joomla and WordPress have both been touted as a solution to the same challenge, however, they did not exactly start out that way. The former began as a Control Management Service (CMS), while WordPress was originally made to meet the needs of a growing blog market. These initial targets pretty much make up the observable differences today.

A caveat however is the fact that neither of these two can function as detached pieces of software. Thus, like the other solutions listed earlier, both must be installed on a web server, dedicated or otherwise to function. A web server of the sorts may be acquired from a dedicated server provider based on a number of factors.

  • proximity to target demographic;
  • type of applications e.g. big data applications;
  • affordability of a dedicated server.

To obtain a dedicated server that meets these criteria and more, you can contact GTHost to get a quote, and you’ll be glad you did.

While the aforementioned may be easy to use, WordPress presents an even easier to use interface, thus, most beginners are more likely to go the WordPress way. More technical individuals can, and will in many cases make use of Joomla as it presents a more versatile environment for working with dedicated servers and intricate applications such as big data.

A typical example of the difficulties which abound when using the aforementioned is that you may have to manually install it, and other associated components, whereas, WordPress provides an option to execute the exact same task.

While WordPress might seem like a winner, Joomla tends to proffer better security options in that WordPress’s excessive number of plugins can easily serve as a back door for hackers. it on the other hand offers options to force connections through SSL or 2-factor authentication.

WordPress might pose better options with regard to customization, SEO, and the likes, but Joomla makes up for it in security.

Joomla is quite a functional option for big data, with over 1,000 templates set to handle the crunching activities of big data handling servers.

Big data refers to a field that has to do with the computation of large numbers by a systematic process owing largely to the challenges associated with handling complex data (big data) by traditional methods.

As a result of the requirements for big data, many competitors are yet to find an effective solution to big data needs. Especially as they relate to big data specific templates.

Also, big data tends to require large amounts of processing power in servers, and efficient servers as well, thus big data needs are unique in that there are certain requirements in software and hardware environments to meet up with the computational needs required to handle big data.

It also offers an effective synchronization between the server, and the big data applications to be run. Big data plugins are also available on the platform to enable easy crunching, and analyses of big data sets. Since most competitors hosting big data applications may not exactly fare better with the servers in the aspect of synchronization, it only makes sense to adopt Joomla as an efficient solution to big data challenges.

How to Install Joomla

There are two ways to install Joomla on your dedicated web server, especially if you intend to run big data applications. They are manually, and automatically.

Installing manually is the preferred option if you intend to run big data applications on your server. And even in the event that you have no intention of running big data applications on your server, a manual installation provides you with a lot more flexibility. Also, you never have to tweak your server should you need to deal with big data applications in the future.

Since installing it on a dedicated server automatically is less cumbersome, we’ll focus on the manual system of installation on dedicated servers.

Here are five steps you need to follow to install Joomla on your dedicated server.

MySQL user and database creation.

To create your user and database profiles, simply go to your hosting cPanel. Select databases, select a suitable name, user and password. Remember to write down this information to avoid being locked out of your dedicated web server.

Download Joomla.

Simply visit the website, and download the free installation package. To download, simply click on the download icon on the menus of the page, seek the appropriate download based on your needs, and click download.

Extract to your dedicated server.

After downloading, now extract the compressed download to the root folder of your domain which should be resident on your dedicated server.

Double-check files location.

It is of paramount importance that the extracted files are extracted to the root folder. If the files are not contained in public_html, then there should be an extra folder. All you have to do at this point is to open the extra folder and move all files there to the public_html folder.

A file manager or Filezilla FTP client may be used for this activity. Depending on which was used these steps may vary slightly.

Finally, set up Joomla.

Finally, you may start your installation on your dedicated server. It is advisable to begin by keeping the earlier recorded MySQL user, database, and password close to you. You can make use of any web browser for this process.

All you have to do now is input your Joomla name, and description, then you can give admin privileges.

Now you can build your site!

In need of further information on big data or your dedicated server needs, contact GTHost today to get more insights on the offers available.