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Tips for Boosting Linux Server: Linux Performance Tuning

Tips for Boosting Linux Server: Linux Performance Tuning


No computer is complete without an operating system (OS). In less diplomatic terms, a computer without an operating system may be likened to a garbage container. An O.S. is a class of software known as system software that runs on every computer and is responsible for keeping applications and other programs in the computer operational.

From simple tasks like accepting input from the computer keyboard to displaying output through the computer screen to more complex tasks like managing computer hardware and software, controlling running application traffic, and ensuring the general security of the computer system, an operating system performs unlimited number of functions depending on what the computer is used for, and how large it is.

Of all the server operating systems available in the world today, the Linux servers are the most preferred type. This may be attributed to a reputation for top-notch security, high performance, quality, affordability and stability.

Linux servers can run for many years without experiencing faults of any kind, are well suited to attend to the needs of large businesses, are far more secure than regular servers, and do not need as many hardware upgrades. They also offer flexibility and are quite cost-effective. To make the best out of your Linux server and ensure lasting performance, it’s important to understand how to boost its functions to suit your needs. In this article, you would be made to understand how important speed and performance are to a Linux server user, and would be given tips on how to boost the performance of your Linux server for maximum productivity and efficiency.

The Importance of Good Performance

Computers were introduced largely to make tasks easier, for people to do. When a computer doesn’t function in that capacity, it starts to work in reverse, and becomes a burden to the user instead of making life easier for them. Getting a computer or server isn’t half as important as getting one with a good performance which efficiently executes its functions without failure or hassles. It is only then that a user can reap the benefits of getting one.

The performance of a computer server is measured by how much it can accomplish within a specific amount of time, and how well it can achieve the tasks it was built to perform.

Therefore, to is safe to say that a good server should be efficient, possess processing speed and accuracy, have high numbers of bandwidths to ensure smooth flow of traffic, be resource-effective, and support as many applications as possible.

The following are benefits of good performance in servers;

  • increased reliability;

When you have a good sever, you can bank on its ability to perform tasks without failure, even in the face of certain external constraints. You can always be assured of its ability to accomplish tasks within very strict deadlines, and without time wastage, regardless of the challenges associated with operating conditions. A typical example of such may include redundant power supply provisions in a bid to eliminate downtime due to shortage in power supply. In summary, if a server is built to run for a year without hitches, then it should run effectively for a year to be termed reliable.

  • speed;

Speed is very important in any aspect of life, and especially in business. If you’re running a business, you’d definitely understand how the ability to deliver services in the shortest time frames endears you to the hearts of your customers and drives more patronage and business growth in the long run. A good performance computer/server would ensure that tasks are done fast, with no possibilities of downtimes whatsoever.

  • accuracy;

Servers with good performance quality ensure that outputs are accurate, and reflect the true value of the data inputted.

  • scalability;

Good performance servers are scalable and encourage flexibility to enable your computer system to adapt to changing trends and future needs.

  • ease;

One of the perks of using a good performance computer/server is the ease of usage, and the user-friendliness it affords. Good performance servers can be used by anyone without any complexities whatsoever.

  • security.

A server without good security features is a disaster waiting to happen. This is especially true given the rise in cyber security threats worldwide.

Good performance servers offer good security features which fight against viruses and spyware that lead to data loss. It also provides protection against unauthorized users and ensures that data is backed up in case of emergencies.

In a nutshell, you cannot downplay the importance of a high performance server, and as Linux servers have proven over the years, owning one will do a lot of good in insuring maximum efficiency in your business.

Advice for Boosting the Performance of a Linux Server

We understand now how important high performance servers are in our operations, and by now, we are also aware of how getting a Linux server translates to getting a reliable, high-performing server.

Although Linux servers are wonderful on their own, you can never do too much when it comes to boosting the performance of your Linux server to ensure higher performance. The following are some ways to boost the performance of your Linux server in a bid to get the best out of it:

  • Secure Boot Settings.

One of the ways to ensure quality performance, and boost the security of your Linux Server is to secure boot settings. Your Linux server security can be breached if non-root users have access to your boot parameters.

To avoid compromising your server security, you should ensure that you have a secure private password on your bootloader to prevent hackers from initiating any changes to your boot parameters or partition. To enable a password on your bootloader, simply create an encrypted password and update grub configuration.

  • SSH Configuration.

You can secure your SSH Configuration and avoid SSH attacks by changing the default Port the SSH server uses, disabling root origin, allowing only authorized access, and using SSH keys only.

  • Linux’s Configuration.

To ensure the maximum performance of your Linux Server, you have to carry out certain initial upgrades on its original configuration. You can do this by updating default kernel parameter settings, tuning up your TCP, choosing the right file system, using the noatime system filing option, and tuning file descriptor limits on Linux.

  • Third-party Applications.

Linux servers work well with a lot of third-party applications, but to boost its performance levels while working with these third-party tools, a user should ensure that MySQL configuration is properly executed.

Users can do this by setting up cache sizes to increase or allot RAM to MySQL. Users can then increase or reduce the caches to suit different situations and needs.

Another way of boosting performance with third-party applications is to ensure proper configuration of Apache and save RAM by adjusting the ‘startservers’ and ‘minspareservers’.

  • Tips to improve monitoring.

To improve your monitoring in your Linux server, it is wise to watch out for some indications that show that your server is overburdened and slowing down. When big applications are running simultaneously, slowing down your server, or you experience slow booting, it may be a problem with the memory space or the hard drive running too slowly.

Learning the five Linux performance commands would also help you manage performance on Linux systems. The ‘top’ command shows you a lot of information like the system load, state of host statistics, current uptime, the processes using up the most CPU, and many more. The top command updates data every 5 seconds by default. Update time is however adjustable. The other Linux performance commands are the vmstat, free, iostat and sat commands.

  • Miscellaneous.

Other ways of boosting your Linux server performance include moving log files to RAM when a machine is running to improve battery life, and wrapping up to save up space.

Advantages of GTHost Servers Speed and Performance

GTHost Servers is a server hosting service that makes use of state of art servers in a bid to satisfy the business needs of its clients. Among other things, GTHost servers are widely loved for the quality services they offer, and their reputation in delivering only servers with top performance and speed qualities.

GTHost servers are reputed to prioritize the business needs of its customers above all else by delivering the best dedicated servers which are specifically suited to meet the direct targets of clients with no downtimes at all.

GTHost servers also upgrade their services regularly and are at the forefront of research to improve the already high performance ability of their servers to meet up with changing trends in the computing industry.


Linux servers are a top-performing variant of the open-source operating system model and offer a lot of advantages above most other servers. To get the best out of your Linux server, however, it is important that you adhere to tips outlined for boosting performance, and ensure that you only work with dedicated servers hosting companies that guarantee quality, speed and high performance servers.