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Best Location for Dedicated Servers in U.S.? – Web Servers Hosting

Best Location for Dedicated Servers in U.S.? – Web Servers Hosting

Best Location Choices for Dedicated Servers in the US

In the modern day workplace, servers have become too important to the growth and success of a business venture, or indeed any brand at all to be treated with any form of laxity. In creating websites, a lot of thought and brainstorming is put into ensuring that the servers are structured in the most functional ways possible.

These websites are made functional and accessible through certain web hosting services that provide the servers through which these websites are run.

Web hosting service providers among other things provide dedicated servers that are reserved to suit the specific needs of a business. The web hosting service provider has a huge responsibility of ensuring that they provide top quality servers for their clients to efficiently run their websites without hassles, and determine to a very large extent how well the website would perform to meet up with its goals.

This is why it is very important to employ the services of a web hosting provider that has been guaranteed to deliver maximally.

One of the very important factors to consider when choosing a perfect host is the location of their servers.

Servers provide better functionality when they are in close proximity to their end-users. Close proximity to a server ensures that pages load faster, thereby ensuring efficiency and productivity in the long run.

The importance of location in determining page loading speed (latency) cannot be overemphasized, as the farther the distance between the server and the end-user, the more time it would take for the server to receive instructions and carry them out. Hence, no matter how good your web hosting service provider is, it would not perform optimally if its servers are too far away from the end-users.

What factors do you need to consider when choosing the best location for your dedicated servers?

First of all, you have to consider the location of your target audience. Your target audience is the people who the website/service being hosted is created for. They are the ones who would be frustrated when web pages load slowly. It is only logical that you choose a server that is located in a geographical location where the target audience is highly concentrated.

Secondly, you should check the overall performance details of your web hosts, and check the data centers that they offer.

If majority of your target audience lives in the US, you should check for servers based in central locations in the US. These locations are strategic for citing data servers as they can conveniently serve a wider number of US residents than any other location.

Here are our top locations for dedicated Servers in the US.

  • Atlanta;

Atlanta has a growing demand for web hosting services and has a large concentration of web users.

  • Dallas;
    Dallas offers a perfect location for North America and South American business owners. This is especially true for the later since Dallas servers offer a more cost-effective, and functional solution.
  • Los Angeles;
    Los Angeles is the perfect location for sitting servers if your target audience resides in the West Coast.
  • New York;
    New York covers the Eastern coast of the US, ensuring that businesses can effectively meet up with the growing needs of their target audience.
  • Miami;
    Miami presents an opportunity for small businesses to target a far-reaching audience which may stretch through North, South, and Central America with perks such as increased bandwidth, and seamless connectivity.
  • Chicago;
    Chicago is a very strategic location to site a data center and is the best choice for businesses that intend to extend their reach to certain parts of Canada too. Other good locations for servers include Denver, Dallas, Miami, and Seattle.
  • Ashburn.

What better place to site your server than the place where the Internet meets. With the Equinix campus in close proximity, you can be certain of low latency, and a connection to the world, literally.

Other sites worthy of mention include Denver, Seattle, Toronto, Frankfurt, and Santa Clara.

Network Quality and Performance

Generally, apart from the location of servers, another factor to consider is the network quality and performance of your web hosting servers. Just like the best quality servers wouldn’t work optimally in very distant locations, if your server network quality and performance is poor, you’d experience slow connectivity no matter the proximity to the server.

To determine the network quality and performance of your dedicated server, you should look out for the following:

  • the transit capacity volume;
  • the tier 1 carrier capacity;
  • its ability to reroute traffic.

Advantages of GTHost Servers

GTHost is a dedicated server provider that offers you quality dedicated servers for flexible rates. GTHost represents a big player in the industry, and having sustained relevance for so many years unwaveringly, GTHost has built a good reputation for itself. It is little wonder its customers have stayed glued to their brand over the years, and are always ready to vouch for their integrity and reliability.

The following are the advantages of using GTHost dedicated servers for your website:

  • Location Advantage.

GTHost dedicated servers are located in the best locations for siting servers in the US. This means that you’re assured of close proximity to your server anywhere you are in the US, Canada, and even some parts of Asia.

  • Network Quality and Performance.

GTHost dedicated servers are known for quality equipment and services. Hence, you’re assured of high network performance when you choose GTHost with no downtime.

  • Cost effectiveness.

GTHost offer Pocket-friendly rental services with no hidden fees whatsoever. It also offers flexible plans for business owners who might not fully understand the requirements of their businesses. For as low as $5, you can test out a setting for a stated period of time to see if it meets your business requirements.

GTHost dedicated servers offer you time effectiveness through their instant server setup policies