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Commands of Linux: High-level Commands for Expert (Part 3)

Commands of Linux: High-level Commands for Expert (Part 3)

In previous articles, we have discussed what a command means and have also discussed commands of the Linux server for beginners in part 1. In part 2, we discussed commands of the Linux server for mid-level Linux users. As a sequel part 1 and 2, we are concerned with high-level commands for experts.

Why commands are important for system administration 

We understand that a computer command is an instruction given by the user, mandating the computer to carry out some activities. The account that has access to all the commands on a Linux or any Unix-like operating system is called a root. It is possible to run a command as root.

To different between various users on a Linux server, the Linux server system uses the root account. This root account is what is used by the Linux server for system administration. There are no restrictions on the root. This means that the Linux server allows users access to the root which they can use to modify, change, delete, and run special programs. In other words, the system administration takes the role of root to perform its functions.

To avoid the Linux server trashing the root, certain steps such as using a different prompt for the root account (e.g. using “#” in prompts for root alone), logging as root only when mandatory, and logging out the root immediately the work is done, etc. The root account is a very sensitive account that can do a lot of damage if handled carelessly. Tampering with the root account is as good as tampering with the systems’ administration.

Mid-level commands of the Linux server and their descriptions  

  1. Command: ifconfig – This command is used for configuring kernel-resident network interfaces on a Linux server, setting up the interface and debugging or system tuning when necessary.
  2. Command: netstat – This command is used to display network-related information in a Linux server system.
  3. Command: dig – The dig command mainly serves as a DNS lookup utility. It is used to perform DNS lookups.
  4. Command: rsync – This command serves as a replacement for the old rcp (remote-copy) command. It has the ability to use SSH for encryption.  Plus, it is a rather flexible administrative tool.
  5. Command: rename – The rename command allows you to rename files in the Linux server or the Unix-like operating system.


Root accounts are to a large extent, responsible for computer system administration. The root account contains some commands that the Linux server operator should know how to utilize in order to enjoy the benefits that the Linux server affords.