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What Is A Dedicated Server And Why Should You Have One?

What Is A Dedicated Server And Why Should You Have One?


One sure way to guarantee your business growth online is through a highly functional website. It is through business websites that potential customers are drawn to an online brand. While creativity, graphic designs, and general page aesthetics have a part to play in attracting customers to your website, it takes more than that to keep them on your page. Irrespective of how physically appealing your business website is, customers would quickly exit your site if it poses certain functionality problems.

For example, how fast does your website load? How easy is it to use and navigate? How well does your site protect the personal information of your clients? Is your website’s user interface scalable? The answers to these questions and more would pass a message to your clients about how reliable your site is, and would form part of your brand identity.

To ensure that your website is never lacking in functionality and productivity, you should pay attention to the kinds of servers you use. This is because servers are saddled with the responsibility of ensuring website functionality, and if anything goes wrong with the functionality, the first point of call would be made to the servers. It follows then, that you have to partner with a reliable web hosting service provider to deliver quality servers and provide the necessary support when needed.

There are different types of servers to choose from when it comes to web hosting, chief among which is the dedicated server.

What are the Dedicated Servers?

Dedicated servers are remote servers that are particularly suited to meet certain needs for a single client. In dedicated server hosting, the dedicated web hosting service provider gives a full computer server to the client along with an internet connection and other necessary accompanying equipment. Instead of sharing internet resources with other internet users, a dedicated serve user has 100% exclusive access to all the internet resources. These dedicated servers can then be used to achieve maximum productivity for the tasks which it these servers were specifically set up to do. For example, there are dedicated VPN servers that are made to specifically attend to VPN issues.

Closely related to the dedicated servers are the VPS’s (The virtual private servers). VPS is a server that combines the virtuality of cloud servers, and the functionality of dedicated servers. VPS servers are also provided by web hosting services who in some cases also provide dedicated servers hosting services, making it more difficult to differentiate between the two of them. One sure way to different VPS hosting from dedicated server hosting is the number of users. For all intents and purposes, dedicated servers are accessible to only one tenant while VPS is a hosting plan that allows for other tenants within the same server hardware.

Should we have dedicated servers?

Of course. Dedicated servers are the perfect choice of servers for all your business needs especially if you’re particular about reliability, support, security, privacy, and productivity.

  1. Reliability. Dedicated servers hosting provides a service that has proven to be reliable over the years. Depending on the integrity of the web hosting company, dedicated servers and equipment provided are usually industry standard and are guaranteed to work maximally. There are fewer downtimes on a dedicated server as the resources are not shared and are available for 100% for the sole tenant.
  2. Support. Dedicated servers hosting companies provide on-demand support for their clients at any time. They use their expertise to manage the dedicated servers so it serves you for as long as you want.
  3. Privacy. One of the advantages of using dedicated server hosting is that you are assured d of your privacy as you are the only one on the server. You are in total control of the server to the exclusion of anyone else and so you are free to whatever with it without fear of intruders.
  4. Productivity. Dedicated server hosting is usually used by companies whose priority involves getting much work done in as little time as possible. None of the server resources is shared with anyone else, so work goes on faster and more efficiently.
  5. Security. Security is a big deal for many companies and dedicated server hosting provides just that. Aside from the security from using a dedicated server itself, you can also install your own security software while your hosting company provided you with security updates from time to time.