In recent times, there has been an influx of businesses directly trading on the internet or indirectly making profits from the internet through online marketing and the likes. It won’t be out of place for the firm to own a website on the internet space. To own a website, one has to either share hosts ... read more
One technology that has improved website experience for users and web owners over the years is the CDN. While many confuse its function and features with that of traditional web hosting, there happen to be distinct differences between them. Those differences will be discussed in this article. What is a CDN? You may have come ... read more
What Are Remote Server Administration Tools? Remote server administration tools (RSAT) as the name suggests, are tools that allow administrators to manage their servers remotely. They are still properly put, RSAT allows IT, administrators, to manage a Windows server remotely from a computer that runs on windows 10, windows 8, windows 8.1, windows 7, or ... read more
Dedicated Servers: Benefits Hosting business on the internet is not quite as easy as many persons think it is. To run a successful online business, a lot of factors have to come into play. Among these factors are your digital marketing skills, branding, product/service delivery strategies, and yes- your server hosting option. To improve customer ... read more
E-commerce has become one of the most common and convenient methods of purchasing goods and services in today’s world. As a result, many business owners have decided to venture into the ever dynamic world of e-commerce, ensuring that prospective customer needs are met online, and offline. With new innovations come new requirements, and e-commerce is ... read more
How to Choose the Right Dedicated Servers for You and Your Site There are two (2) types of dedicated servers – the managed server and the unmanaged server. The difference between both types of dedicated servers is in server security and maintenance. It’s simple – when you subscribe for a managed server service, you’re provided ... read more